I want to start a space where we can highlight some awesome benches out in the world that you can connect with The Bench Project through! I like to call them Benches in the ~Wild~ because they can be anywhere from coffee shops to city sidewalks or somewhere peaceful out in nature.
If you’re familiar with the roots of this project, then you know the OG benches in the wild are sprawled all over our family farm in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Until this spring, those were the only benches infused with The Bench Project experience.
In May 2021, we found ourselves in Colorado as I began my full-time traveling journey with my boyfriend and our greyhound, Taz. My sweet mama accompanied me on the 20-something hour drive from PA to CO. We had a mission to spread some word about this project while we were adventuring!
On a chilly morning in Ouray, we headed to the only place in town open early for coffee during the off-season. As we stepped into Mojo’s, we were hit by the glorious smell of fresh coffee beans and warm pastries. The vibes were impeccable. We got chatting with Heather, the owner, who was amidst pulling homemade croissants out of the oven… so good! We headed out to the car, and my mom said to me excitedly, “I got a good vibe from this place… let’s see if we can leave a book and a bag here!”
If you ever find yourself in Ouray, Colorado, head to Mojo’s for a morning pick me up and some journaling! You’ll find the bag attached to one of the yellow chairs outside.